Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Things I want to say to people online, all of the time but don't ...

1. If you feel super passionate about your work, are emotionally driven, your soul is filled and just all around have your fire lit by the work you create, you are probably in the wrong line of work. Surface pattern design/ licensing is a business. It's art for money. Its commercial. If you are overly attached or emotionally invested, make some stuff for a gallery, sign up for an art fair, make art just for yourself and your friends. We're trying to sell products here- most of which nobody even needs. 2. If you do not have the goal of making a full time wage, an income that could sufficiently support your entire household and you are perfectly content to sell a few things here and there for "fun money"- get out of the way. Quit clogging up the process and watering down the industry for everyone else. The hard cold truth is, there is not enough room for us all, no matter what those people that are selling classes say. 3. If you have taken more than 5 online classes and have yet to send out something of some sort to someone that may possibly have the ability of purchase it, stop. Don't over prepare, over analyze or think that those classes have the answers you're looking for. If you understand the general workings of how this is all done- start doing it. Right now. Sign up for a trade show or send out an email- right now. 4. If you are not willing to sell your car, move to a way too small apartment or completely stop all unnecessary spending for the next year, in order to be able to buy the best equipment on the market, you are not serious and should do something all together different until you are in that frame of mind and have purchased the necessary equipment and software. 5. Do you have a hard time with critique or revisions (often for no good reason at all)? If you answered yes- forget it. This probably should have been #1, I could have saved you from reading the above 4 points if you answered yes.

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